11 Roles Of The Evangelism Church

11 key Roles Of The Evangelism Church

Evangelism Church refers to a church that places a strong emphasis on sharing the Christian faith and reaching out to others. An evangelism church is a congregation that strongly emphasizes spreading the message of Jesus Christ and actively engaging in efforts to reach out to others with the hope of salvation.

Such a church recognizes the Great Commission Jesus gave in Matthew 28:19-20, where believers are called to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

An evangelism church is called to be a beacon of hope, actively reaching out to the world with the transformative message of the gospel. Such a church understands that the mission of sharing God’s love extends far beyond its own walls.

It embraces the responsibility to engage with the community, meet practical needs, and proclaim the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Here are the fundamental roles or activities that an evangelism church undertakes:

1. Outreach And Mission

Outreach and mission play crucial roles in the life of an evangelism-focused church. Through intentional outreach and mission efforts, an Evangelism Church seeks to impact lives, bring hope, and invite others into a personal relationship with God. Let’s explore some roles that an evangelism church can fulfill in the areas of outreach and mission.

Community Engagement

The Church takes an active role in engaging with the local community. It seeks to build relationships, establish trust, and demonstrate God’s love through acts of service, community events, and partnerships with local organizations. This involvement helps to create opportunities for evangelism and opens doors for sharing the gospel.

Evangelistic Events and Campaigns

The Evangelism Church organizes special events and campaigns designed to attract people who may not typically attend church. These events may include evangelistic rallies, concerts, seminars, or relevant workshops that present the gospel in an engaging and accessible manner.

11 Roles Of The Evangelism Church

Training And Equipping

The Church equips its members with the necessary tools, knowledge, and skills to share their faith effectively. It offers training programs, workshops, and resources on evangelism techniques, apologetics, cross-cultural communication, and discipleship, empowering believers to engage confidently in sharing the gospel.

Evangelism As A Lifestyle

Ultimately, an Evangelism Church encourages its members to view evangelism as a way of life rather than a one-time event. It fosters a culture where believers are constantly aware of opportunities to share their faith in their daily interactions and relationships, both within and outside the Church walls.

2. Preaching And Teaching

Preaching and teaching are essential roles of an Evangelism Church as they serve to communicate and explain the message of the gospel, equip believers for evangelistic efforts, and nurture the spiritual growth of the congregation.  roles of preaching and teaching in an evangelism church are:

Clear Gospel Presentation

Preaching and teaching provide opportunities for the clear and compelling presentation of the gospel message. Through sermons, Bible studies, and other teaching settings, the church communicates the foundational truths of salvation, emphasizing the person and work of Jesus Christ. The aim is to ensure that both believers and non-believers have a solid understanding of the gospel and its implications for their lives.

Equipping Believers

Preaching and teaching equip believers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to engage in evangelism. They provide practical guidance on effective evangelistic methods, strategies for engaging with different audiences, and answers to common objections and questions about the Christian faith. The church helps believers develop a heart for evangelism and empowers them to effectively communicate the gospel in their spheres of influence.

Application Of The Word

Preaching and teaching facilitate the application of biblical truth to everyday life. They challenge believers to live out their faith authentically and to embody the love and grace of Christ in their interactions with others. The church encourages believers to actively demonstrate the gospel through acts of kindness, service, and compassion, making their faith visible and attractive to those who may be seeking truth and meaning.

3. Small Groups And Discipleship

Small groups and discipleship play vital roles in the life of an evangelism church. They provide opportunities for meaningful relationships, intentional growth, and practical application of the gospel. Here are some functions of small groups and discipleship in an Evangelism Church:

Nurturing Relationships

Small groups foster a sense of community and belonging within the church. They create spaces where individuals can develop authentic relationships, experience fellowship, and support one another on their spiritual journey. Through regular gatherings, shared activities, and genuine care, small groups provide a supportive environment for individuals to grow in their faith, share their struggles, and receive encouragement.

Discipleship And Spiritual Growth

Small groups serve as a platform for intentional discipleship and spiritual growth. They create an environment where more mature Christians can mentor, guide, and encourage believers. Through the sharing of life experiences, testimonies, and wisdom, discipleship relationships within small groups foster growth in faith, character development, and the application of biblical principles in everyday life.

Practical Application Of Faith

Small groups focus on the practical application of faith in daily life. They encourage participants to live out the gospel in their relationships, workplaces, and communities. Small groups provide opportunities for individuals to discuss and reflect on how to apply biblical principles and values in various life situations, helping them develop a holistic understanding of their faith and its relevance to their everyday lives.

4. Evangelism Training

By offering evangelism training, the church equips and empowers believers to effectively engage in sharing the gospel, leading to transformed lives and the growth of God’s Kingdom.

It builds confidence, deepens biblical understanding, addresses objections, and provides practical tools to help believers navigate evangelistic conversations with grace and effectiveness.

Evangelism training is an essential role of an evangelism church in equipping believers to fulfill the Great Commission and effectively share the love of Christ with others.

5. Media And Technology

By embracing media and technology, an Evangelism Church harnesses the power of digital communication to extend its impact, engage with a wider audience, and effectively share the message of the gospel.

These tools and platforms create opportunities for meaningful connections, dynamic engagement, and relevant conversations about faith.

Media and technology serve as powerful allies in fulfilling the Great Commission and enabling the church to reach and disciple individuals in our digitally connected world.

6. Welcoming And Hospitality

Welcoming and hospitality are essential roles of an evangelism church as they create an environment that is inviting, inclusive, and conducive to building relationships with both believers and non-believers

An evangelism church creates an environment where individuals feel valued, accepted, and cared for. These practices lay a strong foundation for building relationships, fostering community, and effectively sharing the love of Christ.

Welcoming and hospitality extend the invitation of the gospel beyond words, demonstrating the transformative power of Christ’s love in action and providing a compelling witness to the world.

11 Roles Of The Evangelism Church

7. Mentoring And Follow-up

These roles are essential for nurturing spiritual growth, fostering accountability, and ensuring that individuals are connected to a community that will support them on their faith journey.

By embracing the roles of mentoring and follow-up, an evangelism church provides ongoing support, guidance, and discipleship to individuals who have expressed interest in the gospel or have recently made a commitment to follow Christ.

These relationships foster spiritual growth, accountability, and integration into the church community. Mentoring and follow-up play a vital role in nurturing individuals in their faith journey, equipping them to become mature disciples of Christ, and multiplying the impact of discipleship within the church and beyond.

8. Intentional Relationships

Intentional relationships are a critical role in an Evangelism Church as they facilitate meaningful connections, foster a sense of belonging, and provide a supportive community for individuals seeking to explore the gospel or grow in their faith.

Intentional relationships foster a sense of belonging, provide a foundation for discipleship, and empower individuals to engage in evangelism and outreach.

Ultimately, intentional relationships within the church demonstrate the love of Christ and create a community where individuals can encounter and respond to the transforming power of the gospel.

9. Cultural Relevance

Cultural relevance is an important role of an Evangelism Church as it seeks to effectively engage with and reach people in the context of their specific cultural backgrounds, preferences, and societal norms.

By embracing cultural relevance, an evangelism church seeks to effectively engage with people in their cultural context, communicate the gospel in ways that resonate, and demonstrate the love and relevance of Christ to the diverse cultures and communities it seeks to reach.

Cultural relevance enables the Church to break down barriers, build bridges of understanding, and present the gospel in a way that speaks directly to the hearts and lives of individuals within their cultural context.

10. Evangelism Events For Children And Youth

Evangelism events specifically designed for children and youth play an important role in an Evangelism Church as they provide opportunities to share the message of the gospel, engage young hearts and minds, and cultivate a lifelong commitment to following Christ.

By organizing and participating in evangelism events for children and youth, an evangelism church creates opportunities for young hearts and minds to encounter the gospel, make decisions for Christ, and embark on a lifelong journey of following Him.

These events serve as catalysts for spiritual growth, relationship building, and equipping young individuals to become evangelists and ambassadors for Christ in their communities.

11. Personal Testimonies

Personal testimonies play a significant role in an Evangelism Church as they provide a powerful and relatable means of sharing the transformative work of Christ in the lives of individuals.

Highlighting personal testimonies within the church, an Evangelism Church creates a culture of openness, vulnerability, and celebration of God’s work in the lives of individuals.

These testimonies provide a platform for sharing stories of transformation, offering hope, and extending an invitation to others to experience the life-changing power of the gospel.


An Evangelism Church engages in a variety of activities and roles to fulfill its mission. These include outreach events, mission trips, discipleship programs, community service initiatives, training sessions, and strategic partnerships. The church seeks to impact both the immediate community and wider regions, aiming to transform lives and bring individuals into a personal relationship with God.


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